Process Consulting and Technology Solutions

Trusted Partner for process manufacturing optimization and digital transformation needs

Our Services
Digital Transformation – Process Manufacturing

Dx Consulting, Industry DataOps, Process Data Analytics, Hybrid Modeling, Digital Twin, Soft sensor, Advanced Process Control, AI-based Process Control, Energy Optimization, Dynamic Simulation, Generative AI.

Advance Modeling & Simulation (CFD/FEA)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Discrete Element Modeling (DEM), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI), Reduced Order Modeling (ROM), Digital Twin.

Technology Validation & Scale-up Centre

Flow Assurance Studies, Erosion, Corrosion, Wax deposition, Sand transportation, Hydrates, Green hydrogen testing, Asphaltene studies.

Software Solutions

Mixing Analysis (MixIT), SimSight (for Scale-up, Tech transfer, Asset characterization), Pipeline Erosion Risk Mitigation Tool (PERMIT).

Partner Solutions

Siemens Simcenter, FactSage (thermochemical simulations), Seeq (Advanced Process Data Analytics), Vidya (Digital Twin), AWS, Azure.

To know more about our practice areas contact us today!

Who We Are

Leveraging advanced technologies to support process industry needs

Technology Catalyst

We are at the forefront of driving technological advancements, innovation, and transformation within process industry. We have been playing a catalyst role in leveraging advanced technologies to execute, implement and deploy solutions to address business problems of our customers.

Operations Excellence

With 16+ years of experience in delivering advanced solutions for multiple industries, we have developed implementation best practices. The combination of our skill sets, and technology understanding enables us to support our customers' operational excellence initiatives.


Tridiagonal Solutions is committed to implementing sustainable practices in its operations and continuing to invest in developing new capabilities to support sustainability requirements in the process industry. We support Innovation enablement programs for CCUS, Green Hydrogen, and more.

What would you like to work on?

Execution and Implementation partner for your business problems.
Industrial Data Ops (Data Fabric) - home (1)
Industrial Data Ops (Data fabric)

IT-OT Data integration, Edge deployment, Historian, Data contextualization, Knowledge graph, Data fabric, Manufacturing Operations Management, Unified name space architecture (UNS), Edge

Energy Optimization home
Energy Optimization

Fuel consumption optimization, alternative fuels, steam, water, and raw material optimization, emission reduction

AI-based Process Optimization and Control home
AI based Process Optimization and Control

Deep learning based process control, Non-linear process control, real time optimization (RTO), Production optimization, Inferential quality modeling, autonomous operations

Generative AI in Manufacturing home
Generative AI

Retrieval augmented generation (RAG), GPT-3.5, 4, one shot models, few shot models, domain specific LLMs, OpenAI, LLM Tools, Conversational AI

Scale-up and Tech Transfer home
Hybrid Modeling

physics informed AI modeling, operational contraint, mechanistic modeling, process improvement

Multiphase flow & combustion modeling home
Multiphase flow and combustion modeling

It includes Analyze two-phase flow of steam and water in boilers, simulate the flow of oil, water, and gas through a subsea pipeline and maximize the separation efficiency, whereas Combustion modeling includes flame impingement on radiant tube section leads to high tube metal temperatures which cause tube deformation, distortion, and rupture. And to study temperature distribution. We are using tools like ANSYS and Star CCM for simulation​

Fluid-structure interaction home
Fluid-Structure Interaction

Simulating the complex interplay between fluids and structures using effective coupling of CFD and FEA. We do static structural analysis to check safety of separator under high pressure operating condition. We are using tools like ANSYS, Star CCM and LS Dyna for simulation.​

New Energy Testing (TRL 3-9) CCUS and Green Hydrogen
New Energy Testing (TRL 3-9) CCUS and Green Hydrogen

Advancing Technology from TRL3 to TRL 9, CCUS-Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Sustainable Energy Transition, Carbon Offset Implementation, Green Hydrogen Technology Testing & Validation, Renewable Power Integration Battery Testing.

Flow assurance Testing (Wax, Erosion, Corrosion) home
Flow assurance Testing (Wax, Erosion, Corrosion)

Wax Mitigation, Asphaltene Management, Sand Management, Liquid Metal, Hydrate & CO2 Transport, Pipeline Flow Analysis, Flow Regime Identification, Inhibitor Screening, Slurry Rheology, and Erosion testing(Screen, Valve, elbows, joints, pipes, etc), Sand Blast, Sand Retention, and ICD Testing. Lab and field scale Corrosion testingTechnology Partners- All names should be displayed. Add a Know more link and redirect it to the Partner Solutions Page

Unveiling Our New Brand Identity

Welcome To Tridiagonal Solutions Fresh look! Check out our journey of delivering process excellence.


Key Highlights

16+ years process consulting experience using advanced technologies

Multi-domain Projects
Consultants Combination of Skillsets
Customer Savings
250,000 +Sq.ft
Testing Lab For Oil & Gas

Use Cases

Unlocking the value of technology


Explore the best practices and success stories of application of technology in process industry


Welcome to The Education Online Learning

the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

Looking for Trusted Partner for executing your programs?

We bring together unparalleled expertise with combination of skillsets and technology to address your digital, computational and testing needs