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Checking Residual Stress Elimination after Post Weld Heat Treatment
Coupled transient thermal Structural Analysis of a pressure vessel is performed at welded location using FEA
Structural analysis of Pressure Vessels
FE analysis as per ASME Sec-VIII Div-2
Three Phase Seperator tank
Analysis of the Separator Tank using CFD Modeling.
Pollutant Dispersion in Car Parking
Evaluating the ventilation rate and predicting the distribution of temperature and exhaust gas
Office Space Ventilation
Thermal comfort analysis is done using CFD, considering factors like temperature, Heat and humidity
Multi-chamber Cooling Sump
Evaluate ammonia injection system using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Solid-Waste incinerator
CFD helps to determine Temperature & O2 distribution. Also to predict Residence time of the pollutants in high temperature & oxygen availability
Refractory Anchor
Evaluating high-stress locations of Anchor supports against thermal loading
Pilot Scale Resin Reactor
Comparing the performance of the existing Pilot Scale test reactor and Large Scale reactors in order to scale up the performance improvement observed in Pilot Scale reactor using Computational Flow Modeling. (CFD)
CFD Analysis of a Neutralization Tank
Design new impeller system and other elements in the tank, further studying the flow profile and the effect of acid mixing on certain Parameters.
Evaluate kiln ovalization using FEA
Thermo-mechanical analysis is carried out in which temperature distribution is evaluated to determine the maximum allowable ovalization.
CFD modeling of Calciner
Providing guidelines to enhance the heat transfers with CFD analysis
CFD modelling of Drug Release through Stent
A stent is a device used to open obstructed blood vessels without the need for surgery. The Stent is expanded or deployed inside the artery thereby restricting it from reforming and obstructing. By analyzing the behavior of the blood flow inside the arteries, the drug that is released through the stent was modeled and the results from the paper were compared & validated.
Validating design of Separation solutions
Improving Process Heater Operations using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
Process Heaters
Improving Process Heater operations using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis (FSI): Maximizing Efficiency and Safety in Critical Industries
In the fast-paced industrial landscape, the challenges faced by sectors such as oil and gas, crude refining, power generation, and cement manufacturing are immense. Tridiagonal has the key technological advancements that have revolutionized these sectors is the application of Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis.
Assessment of FCC stripper vessel as per ASME SecVIII Div-2 code
FCC(Fluid Catalytic Cracking ) is a conversion process used in petroleum refineries to convert the high-boiling point, high-molecular weight hydrocarbon fractions of crude oil into gasoline and other petroleum products. A major player in (FCC) process technology approached Tridiagonal to access structural integrity of the FCC unit.
Liquid Flashing and Vibration in Storage Tank Feed Pipes
A critical concern for storage tank feed pipes is flow-induced vibration (FIV). This can occur when the liquid within the pipe rapidly vaporizes due to a pressure drop exceeding the liquid's vapor pressure.
Directional Solidification
Directional Solidification System (DSS) was to be designed complex interaction between fluid dynamics and heat transfer and the crystal growth. Several challenges faced during complex formulation were phase change, Unsteady flow with multiple components, Heat Transfer with Radiation effects, Natural Convection over the melt surface, Mildly turbulent flows.
SMX Static Mixer
Static Mixers, a most compact mixing device poses few challenges like uninterrupted mixing of viscous liquids, blending and proper heat and mass transfer. CFD Simulations of SMX mixers were performed to understand the flow patterns and particle distribution on two SMX designs with different diameters which has helped to select the best mixer.
Esterification Reactor
Analysis of the performance of esterification reactor using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in terms of flow, mixing particle trajectories, circulation time distribution and residence time distribution for existing time configuration.
Impeller Design – PSD
The flow in the existing impeller was simulated, numerous designs of the impeller were evolved and critically studied, the strain rate and Particle size distribution (PSD) were plotted and studies for numerous designs of the impeller and the configuration with better PSD were suggested.
Polymerization Reactor
Suggesting suitable Design Modifications and tracking the strain rate distribution with respect to PSD, Boosting the overall performance of the Reactor
Asthma Inhaler
Performance characteristics of a dry powder asthma inhaler are analyzed through the use of CFD.
PBT Batch Reactor
A steady state simulation of a pharmaceutical batch reactor consisting of two 45 degree Pitched Blade Turbine (PBT) and a six disk turbine was carried out to estimate the power number and fluid phase mixing patterns.